Why You Should Schedule Central Heating Service Before Fall

Scheduling a central heating service appointment before summer’s end lets you move into the fall and winter seasons with peace of mind. 

When an HVAC professional visits your home for central heating service, they inspect the components of your heating system. Afterwards, you’ll know that on the first frigid day, your heat will turn on properly when you ask it to. No surprises or emergency repairs. 

A high-quality heating system should last for many years. However, there are quite a few common problems that you might deal with from time to time. These include:

  • Clogged or dirty filters
  • Faulty thermostat
  • Ductwork leaks
  • Lack of fuel
  • Overworked heat pump
  • Moldy furnace
  • Insufficient airflow due to aging fan motors, belts, or ducts

Performing regular maintenance keeps utility and repair costs down. You’ll discover any problems before they get out of hand, resulting in poor performance, high utility bills, and major repairs. 

Central heating service is usually a simple and easy appointment. You’ll find out if there are any issues with your heating that need to be addressed before the cold season hits. 

We recommend getting this done before the fall months. Here’s why sooner is better when it comes to scheduling your service:

Time for Completing Repairs Before Heating is Needed

Some areas get cold early on in the fall. For example, Boise, Idaho often sees fast temperature drops in October and first snows in November. 

Every year is different. These days, severe weather seems to catch us off-guard on a regular basis. One minute you’re sipping iced tea in a heat wave, the next you’re shoveling snow. 

To stay prepared for falling temperatures, identify any potential system damages before winter weather hits. That way, your service provider has time to repair your system before you need to actually turn it on. 

Carbon Monoxide Safety

Carbon monoxide poisoning is known as a “silent killer.” Carbon monoxide gas has no taste, color, or odor and it’s non-irritating. Yet it can quickly result in loss of consciousness followed by death. 

Cases of carbon monoxide poisoning are rare and preventable. However, the most common causes are associated with heating appliances. So, it’s very important to know that your HVAC system isn’t putting you at risk. 

Heating systems generate carbon monoxide gas. In a properly functioning system, it’s filtered out of the home. Vents and fans safely remove the gas. 

However, various defects, such as a cracked furnace, can prevent the harmful gas from being flushed out. Once carbon monoxide is released indoors, it’s an immediate and invisible safety hazard for everyone in the home. 

During central heating service, your service provider will examine all parts and processes that could cause carbon monoxide gas poisoning. 

Reducing Future Utility Expenses

Want to keep your utility bills as low as possible this winter? Central heating service might help. 

Your service appointment confirms whether or not your system is ready to operate at peak performance. If there are problems or inefficiencies, they can be addressed. 

Utility expenses peak during the year’s coldest months when gas and electric heat is in high demand. Keep those costs down by making sure that your heating system is in tip-top shape. 

Prepping For Fall and Winter

Before cold weather strikes, here’s what’s needed to ensure optimal central heating performance:

  • Check ducts for any blockages or unintended openings. Make sure that air isn’t escaping the system on its way towards your heating vents. 
  • Ensure that your thermostat is cooperating with your furnace. Are the readings accurate? Are the furnace’s functions effectively controlled?

During a central heating service appointment, an HVAC professional checks up on the above and inspects all components of your system. 

Heating Service in the Treasure Valley, Idaho Region

For residents and business owners in the Treasure Valley/Boise Metro region of Idaho, Advanced Heating & Cooling has you covered for central heating service and other HVAC needs. We install, repair, and maintain all major heating system brands. 

Don’t wait for freezing temperatures to find out if your central heating is ready for winter. Contact us today for a quick and easy central heating service appointment. 


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